SeaTraceNet is funded by the Interreg Atlantic area project SEATRACES. This network is a free access platform for exchanging information, expertise and perspectives on seafood traceability, labelling and authenticity testing, with a primary focus on European Union countries. The main target members and audience will be the seafood industry, academia, government, EU seafood regulation enforcement bodies and consumers alike.
SeaTraceNet aspires to become a unique hub aiming to gather and provide in a single place all the key information on seafood traceability and authenticity to the interested community. This effort is expected to streamline and simplify communication among anyone working in this area.
SeaTraceNet’s core values will be scientific and technical excellence and translation into real-world needs. Its establishment, vitality and longer-term sustainability will bolster the standard and reputation of EU seafood supplies, with beneficial outcomes for producers, consumers and the environment.